Over the years, Studio 70 art classes has provided its students with opportunities for exhibiting and selling the works created in class. Here are a few examples of Studio 70 exhibitions, individual exhibitions and other student achievements.
Antionette Lawless, student of Studio 70 art classes, had her paintings featured on the cover of Wentworth Courier property.
Ann Kirkjian, student of Studio 70 art classes, published her own picture book.
Shirley Huges, student of Studio 70 art classes, was featured in issue 338 of Australian Artist.
Shirley Huges won best in show at the Randwick Art Society's second annual exhibition.
Shirley Huges was commended at the at the 2013 Art of Sydney awards.
Shirley Huges was comissioned to paint a picture to fit in with the existing decor in a hospital room for children.
Cherrie Cairns and Lilly Cathanos, both students of Studio 70, won prizes at the A. W. Faber-Castell competition.